W e at IFLScience love an illusion (as apparently does Mars). So, naturally, we were thrilled to hear about a new twist on ...
May 2024 was the hottest May on record, marking a full annual cycle of monthly records, the longest ever recorded.
Currently, there are no known objects with a Torino score above 0. However, there are objects that require further ...
The record-breaking "sea phantom" fossil was found in a place accessible to the public.
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Megathrust earthquakes are the most powerful on Earth and they arise from subduction zones, where one of Earth’s plates is ...
Dog whisperers can now join the list of professionals whose jobs are at risk of being stolen by artificial intelligence (AI), ...
F inland may be about to become the first country in the world to start dishing out preventative bird flu vaccines to some ...
Pharmaceutical company Moderna has announced that a combination vaccine it has been developing against flu and COVID-19 has ...
The China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJUL) became fully operational in December 2023, swiping the title of the “world’s ...
Given that they’re, y’know, dead, it’s hard to discern much about the life of extinct creatures like the little bush moa, a ...
Every so often, a piece of information splits society into two parts: the people for whom it’s brand new and eye-opening, and ...