Ciotti caused outrage among some in his party, Les Républicains, after he announced it would ally itself with the far-right Rassemblement National which is hoping to win an absolute majority in ...
Ciotti caused outrage among some in his party, Les Républicains, after he announced it would ally itself with the far-right Rassemblement National which is hoping to win an absolute majority in ...
Le groupe des Verts perd de nombreux élus au Parlement européen. C’est en Allemagne que la déconfiture est la plus marquée, ...
Les extrêmes droites ont progressé presque partout en Europe, mais pas de manière uniforme. Avec Emmanuel Macron, l’Allemand ...
Les extrêmes droites ont progressé presque partout en Europe, mais pas de manière uniforme. Avec Emmanuel Macron, l’Allemand ...
In a televised announcement one hour after the last polling booths closed in elections in France for the European Parliament, in which early estimations give the far-right Rassemblement National ...
Christophe Deloire, the secretary general of press freedom NGO Reporters sans Frontières (Reporters Without Borders), has died at the age of 53, it was announced on Saturday. Mediapart salutes the ...
D-Day veterans took part in commemorations in Portsmouth, southern England, on Wednesday to mark the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the largest seaborne invasion in history, before sailing to ...
Presidents Emmanuel Macron, Joe Biden, and Volodymyr Zelensky, prime ministers Rishi Sunak and Justin Trudeau, and King Charles joined with surviving veterans at offical ceremonies held on Thursday ...
French president’s three consecutive speeches on  80th anniversary of D-Day commemorations ahead of European  elections spark outrage on Left and Right who have dubbed him 'Fidel Macron' after the ...
Dimanche, le Rassemblement national a obtenu plus de 30 % des voix, très loin devant le parti présidentiel, sévèrement sanctionné. Le président de la République a suivi la demande de l’extrême droite ...
Speaking on France's LCI news channel last week, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu waved the banner of defending 'Judaeo-Christian civilisation' as he sought to justify his crusade against ...